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Executive Board
Sam S.


Char R.

Membership Vice President

Madeline M.

Finance Vice President

Reagan J.

Assistant Membership
Vice President

annika s.

Executive Vice President

Kat A.

Communications Vice

Natalie W.

Activities Vice President


Assistant Activities
Vice President

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Learn More About Each Position:



Office Hours: Monday 1:00-3:00pm

  • Presides over all Panhellenic Executive Board meetings

  • Reviews and approves all programming request forms and contracts involving the Panhellenic Council

  • Acting liaison between the council and the Sorority and Fraternity Affairs division of the Student Activities & Involvement Office

  • Oversees the Panhellenic Chapter Presidents

Membership Vice President


Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30am-12:30pm

  • Coordinates Panhellenic Recruitment and chairs the Recruitment Executive Board

  • Facilitates communication with individual chapter recruitment chairs

  • Serves as liaison between University officials to oversee safe and functional Recruitment process

  • Leads the Recruitment Executive Board in selecting and educating Panhellenic Counselors in preparation for Recruitment
  • Suggests and oversees annual changes to the Recruitment Compact while guiding the Assistant Membership VP

Finance Vice President


Office Hours: Friday 11:30am - 1:30pm

  • Prepares the semester budget and oversees each individual divisions' spending

  • Reviews all payments, pays bills, collects dues, gives receipts, and signs all checks

  • Ensures that the monies of the Panhellenic Council are used and approved for worthwhile endeavors

Assistant Membership Vice President


Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-4:00pm

  • Assists the Membership Vice President in matters related to Panhellenic Recruitment

  • Creates the video from Recruitment Orientation and organizes Preview session shifts for the Recruitment Executive Board throughout the summer term

  • Suggests and oversees annual changes to the recruitment Compact under the guidance of the MVP

Executive Vice President


Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00am-12:00pm

  • Represents the Panhellenic Council in the absence of the President

  • Chairs all Judicial Committees in relation to the Greek Judicial Board, and directly oversees Panhellenic's Judicial Board

  • Revises the Constitution and Bylaws

  • Schedules the philanthropy calendar

  • Educates Recruitment Counselors and chapter members about judicial policies/procedures

  • Serves as mediator of all fines and violations

  • Oversees the SSA board

Communications Vice President


Office Hours: Friday 1:30-3:30pm

  • Schedules meetings between the Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council

  • Prepares and preserves accurate account of all Panhellenic Meetings via minutes

  • Serves as liaison to the NPC Area Advisor

  • Handles all Southeastern Panhellenic Conference memberships, registrations, and conference attendance

  • Oversees the Panhellenic Delegates and the Communications Director's Board

Activities Vice President


Office Hours: Friday 9:30-11:30am

  • Oversees all programming to the Panhellenic Council

  • Runs Activities Director's Board, a Director's Board consisting of 6 committees: Junior Panhellenic, Service, Community Engagement, Special Events, Health & Wellness, and Scholarship

  • Plans Panhellenic-wide events ranging  ranging from fundraisers and serve events to council collaborations and special events such as the annual "Around the Row"

Assistant Activities Vice President


Office Hours: Tuesday 9:30-10:30am & Thursday 10-11am

  • Assists the Activities Vice President in various programming for the Panhellenic Council

  • Assists in running the Activities Director's Board, a Director's Board consisting of 6 committees: Junior Panhellenic, Service, Community Engagement, Spacial Events, Health & Wellness, and Scholarship

  • Alongside the Activities Vice President, oversees and plans Panhellenic-wide events ranging from fundraisers and serves events to council collaborations and special events such as the annual "Around the Row"

  • Helps create calendars, schedule meetings, and the functioning of the Activities Director's Board

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