Charity: Breast Cancer Education and Awareness
Philanthropy: Paint Me Pink 5k & Linedance
Colors: Turquoise Blue & Steel Gray
Flower: White Violet
Symbol: Five-Pointed Crown
Founded @ UF: 1949
Website: http://ufl.zetataualpha.org/
Involvement 2024: With part of our creed that reads, “be humble in success, and without bitterness in defeat” in mind, our sisters have paved their own unique paths, investing their time in organizations they are undeniably passionate about. Ranging from leaders in organizations like Florida Blue Key, Florida Cicerones, Homecoming and Gator Growl, Strike Magazine, Student Government, and the Miss UF Pageant, to leaders in their own respective colleges to founders of their own organizations, we are incredibly proud of our empowered women. Our sisters take these passions beyond campus, becoming trailblazers in their respective fields with the values and drive they’ve developed during their years as Zetas.
#EmbraceTheLittleThings: There are so many little things to appreciate within our sisterhood. Whether it be sharing stories at meal times or hanging with sisters at Front Lawn Friday, you can always find one of 285 Zeta sisters to lean on through the ups and the downs. The women of 1142 are bold and empowering, helping you grow and reach your fullest potential during your four years at UF. While we value each others’ similarities, we also celebrate individuality at the same time, calling Zeta Tau Alpha our home away from home that fosters an environment of love, the greatest of all things.