When I decided to live in my sorority house for my senior year, I immediately searched
the internet for what to bring with me. Most of the items I had when I lived in the dorms
during my freshman year came back to the top of my packing list. As women around the
panhellenic community prepare for move-in at the end of this summer, I wanted to share
my top 5 essentials for living in a sorority house:
1) Mattress Topper/Pad
Your back will thank you. My sorority house provides us with twin XL mattresses,
similar to what you find in a dorm room. The mattress itself does not have much
padding so a mattress topper is a life-saver. I personally have a Tempur-Pedic
twin mattress topper my grandma gifted me for Christmas. You can shop for
mattress toppers at Target, Walmart, Amazon, Wayfair, and more!
2) Rolling Laundry Basket
Having to carry a heavy laundry basket to the laundry room in the house is a
difficult workout I wanted to avoid. I purchased a rolling laundry basket from
Target during my freshman year and it has been great in transporting my laundry
so easily to our laundry room. Much less to worry about when you are already
stressed about getting your laundry done to wear that pair of jeans that’s dirty.
3) Mini Fridge
If you want to have a place to store your snacks and late plate from dinner, a mini
fridge is a must! I have had the same mini fridge from Walmart since my
freshman year. I would recommend getting one with a separate freezer if that is
in your budget. Other girls in the house had that type of fridge and I was very
jealous they could store their Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.
4) Shower Shoes
Living in a house with a lot of girls means having communal bathrooms. You
definitely want to have shower shoes! I am somewhat of a germaphobe so
having a barrier to the floor gives me peace of mind.
5) Closet Curtain
You will want to coordinate with your roommate on a curtain color to hang over
your closet. There is a reason closets in homes have a door, to hide the mess!
The curtain helps make your room look clean. My roommate had purchased two
white curtains from Target and we used shower curtain rings I bought from
Target to hang them up on a rod that was provided in our rooms.
Moving into your sorority house is a very exciting experience! However, packing can be
overwhelming and daunting. Take your essentials first and if you have room for extras,
have your parents ship them to you or pick them up when you are back at home again.
Prepare for an adventure of a lifetime getting to live with your sisters for a year together.
Good luck & happy packing!
With love,
Danielle MC ‘19 Chi Omega