As my sophomore year is coming to an end, I reflect on the past two years here at UF as a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon. Coming to UF from a small town in New Jersey, with about 240 students in my graduating high school class, to a school over 1,000 miles away from home with over 50,000 students, I was both eager and nervous to find my place here. I found it in Delta Phi Epsilon.
My grandfather’s philosophy is that “every individual should become all that he or she is capable of being, and never lose sight of the need to devote some time to helping others.” He has instilled this in me for as long as I can remember and it has become what I live by. When I chose to run for Vice President of Recruitment, I thought of his words. These past two years have taught me how quickly time really does fly by. I have made sure to seize every opportunity I have at this school to grow as a person and become all that I am capable of being in the short time that we have here. Being VIce President of Recruitment has also allowed me to follow the second part of his philosophy: devoting time to helping others.
Something that is so special about this sisterhood is that whether they are aware of it or not, every member of Delta Phi Epsilon follows this philosophy, and it is one of the many things that makes me so proud to be a sister of this sorority. It's as little as being a shoulder to cry on when someone has had a bad day, to as big as having over 50 sisters stand on their feet for 26.2 hours to support UF Health Shands Children's Hospital. Every day I spend being a proud sister of Delta Phi Epsilon, the more prevalent this becomes. I wake up every morning grateful to be part of a community of women who work to become all that they are capable of being, while never losing sight of devoting time to helping others.
I found my home in Delta Phi Epsilon and being Vice President of Recruitment has allowed me to devote the time to helping others find theirs.
With Love,
Sera Person MC: 19