Continous Open Bidding
Primary Recruitment at the University of Florida takes place at the beginning of each fall semester. Should a student be interested in joining the Panhellenic community after Primary Recruitment, Continuous Open Bidding is an option. The Panhellenic Council does not oversee individual COB processes for chapters, as these events are hosted informally on a chapter by chapter basis. Women interested in pursuing membership in a Panhellenic sorority following the conclusion of Primary Recruitment can complete the COB Interest Form.
Please Note: Chapters that are eligible for COB do not have to participate if they choose not to. Filling out the COB Interest Form does not guarantee a woman will be contacted by a chapter or will receive a bid to a chapter.
How does COB work?
Unlike primary recruitment, COB is very casual and unstructured. Each chapter does COB differently and Panhellenic does not set dates for informal recruitment events or oversee offering of bids. Chapters individually contact a Potential New Member (COB) and invite her to an informal recruitment event or chapter activities in an effort to get to get to know her better. Not every sorority on campus may participate in COB. Only those that still have spaces to fill in their chapter will keep recruiting.
If a woman receives a COB, what are her options?
If a woman receives a COB from a chapter that she is not interested in joining, she may decline the bid.
If a woman receives a COB from a chapter she is interested in joining she can accept the bid. Those accepting bids through the COB process will be required to sign a COB MRABA acceptance binding agreement.
If a woman receives a COB from a chapter and is unsure about accepting at that time, she may ask to wait to accept or decline the bid. Each chapter is responsible for determining when an answer must be given by (normally 24-48 hours from time a bid is issued).
What do I need to do if I want to be considered for COB?
Women interested in being considered for COB should fill out the online COB Interest Form.
Is there a cost associated with COB?
No. There is not a cost to participate in Continuous Opening Bidding.
If a woman completes a COB Interest Form is she guaranteed a bid for membership from a sorority?
Filling out a COB Interest Form does not guarantee that a sorority will contact a potential new member nor does it guarantee that she will receive a bid.
Should you have any additional questions about COB opportunities, please contact Panhellenic Assistant Membership Vice President, Char R. at ufpanhellenicamvp@gmail.com.