Letters of Recommendation
Hello PNMs! Letters of Recommendation are another way for chapters to be introduced to you before the Fall Recruitment process. These letters are completely OPTIONAL and do not hold weight over your recruitment experience. Letters of recommendation from alumnae do not guarantee invitations back to specific chapters during the Recruitment process. Letters are considered nationally on a chapter by chapter basis, in which the information has been compiled below at your convenience. If you have any questions, please reach out to Brooke M., the Membership VP.
Alpha Chi Omega
Recommendations can be submitted
Alpha Delta Pi
Recommendations can be submitted to the National website OR adpiufrecruitmentanalyst@gmail.com
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Recommendations can be submitted to
the National office
https://alphaepsilonphi.formtitan.com/ pnm-intro#/
OR ufaephirecruitment@gmail.com
Alpha Phi
Recommendations can be submitted to
ufalphaphivpmr@gmail.com. Should be written by an alumna or a chapter woman from another school.
Alpha Omicron Pi
Recommendations can be submitted
Chi Omega
Recommendations can be submitted to
Chi Omega Everyday or
All recommendations must come
from Chi Omega Alumni.
Phi Mu
Phi Mu no longer accepts letters of recommendation.
Delta Delta Delta
Recommendations can be submitted
Delta Phi Epsilon
Recommendations can be submitted
Delta Gamma
Recommendations can be submitted
https://www.deltagamma.org/members/ login/
Delta Zeta
Recommendations can be submitted www.deltazeta.org OR Pialphamembership@gmail.com
Kappa Alpha Theta
Introductions can be submitted to https://www.kappaalphatheta.org/mem bers/introduce-pnm
Kappa Delta
Recommendations can be submitted from alumnae through the member portal:https://members.kappadelta.org/r ecruitment_forms
A self recommendation can be made here:https://salesforcekd.formtitan.com /opt-self-rec#/
Sigma Kappa
Sigma Kappa no longer accepts letters of recommendation. If you would like to provide supplemental information please reach out to UFSigmaKappaPresident@gmail.com
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Recommendations can be submitted
https://www.kappakappagamma.org/wr ite-a-reference/ OR emailed to our VP of Membership at kappauf.membership@gmail.com
Gamma Phi Beta
Recommendations can be submitted
https://www.gammaphibeta.org/Memb ership/About-our-Membership/Introdu ce-a-Potential-New-Member
OR email a recommendation letter to our Membership VP at ufgpbmvp@gmail.com
OR mail physical 2023 letters of recommendations to the Recommendations Committee: Gamma Phi Beta, 1235 SW 9th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
Pi Beta Phi
The Recruitment Information Form (RIF) found on pibetaphi.org can be submitted online or the paper form can be printed and mailed to chapters. Recommendations can be emailed to ufpiphivprecruitment@gmail.com or mailed to
Pi Beta Phi attn: Avery Guise 2489 W Fraternity Dr Gainesville, FL 32603
United States
Zeta Tau Alpha
Alumni can go to zetataualpha.org, click “Alumni Experience” in the menu bar to the left, and then click “Refer a PNM.” Within the description there is a hyperlink connected to the words “Online MIS Form.” Follow the directions outlined on the MIS form.