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Dear Zeta Tau Alpha: A Letter to My Chapter

Dear Zeta Tau Alpha,

After a long and memorable journey at the University of Florida, this chapter of my life has come to a close. As I embark on my future endeavors at the University of Colorado’s Nursing School, I wanted to thank you. Thank you for being the best sorority chapter for me and bringing me my forever friends. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself and helping me grow and prosper in areas that I never thought imaginable. From you, I have gained life skills that will apply in all aspects of my life. I have learned how to overcome challenges in different ways and be more understanding of the diverse situations of each individual. With each sister coming from a different background and having their own story, my eyes have been opened to different lives and ways of thinking. I have broadened my horizon and because of this, I know I will be the best possible nurse. The things I have gained, not only from my closest friends, but even from each sister that has touched my life, will aid me in caring for a wide range of patients. My passion for caring for people has grown with your influence. Zeta Tau Alpha I will miss you, but you are in my heart forever. Thank you for being my home away from home. Thank you for bringing me the sisters I never had growing up. Thank you for loving and supporting me. While this wasn’t the easiest journey and it had its moments of ups and downs, I couldn’t have done it without you. Until text time<3.

With all my love,

Emily MC’19


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