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Kappa Kappa Gamma: Lessons from Our Seniors

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

Our Seniors have spent this last year leading our chapter with kindness, optimism, and love. We are sad to see them go; but, from starting careers to applying to medical school to thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, we know Kappa’s Class of 2022 will do amazing things. Here’s some of the most important lessons they learned in their four years at the University of Florida:

“My number one piece of advice to younger chapter members is to not be afraid to ask for change within your chapter, we select these homes during recruitment but they do not have to remain the same places we joined as freshmen, or whenever we went through recruitment. You are part of that chapter for a reason and if there’s something you believe should change, you have every right to voice that. We live in such a special time when women’s voices are the ones that are most important within our chapters, which is something you don’t really experience in the outside world. This is your chance to really make a difference and impact your chapter and to create an environment that is better for the women who are going to come after you. It is such an incredible opportunity to leave your mark on your chapter, and to leave it better than you found it. I think a lot of women are scared to do that, but all of these women love and care for you so much that the moment you get the courage to ask for change, they are so excited to help you and

give it to you. You just have to be brave enough to put your voice out there.”

– Erin Uddenberg MC’18

“Looking back after graduation, the biggest piece of advice I have for a younger member is to get comfortable putting yourself out there. One of the best parts about UF is how much opportunity is around every corner- from business and medicine all the way to Student Government. But this also means putting yourself out there to find your home on campus sometimes put you in a position for rejection. I remember it took me until my sophomore year to have my first "big" Student Government and another year to feel comfortable going for larger positions. Greek Life also provides one of the best opportunities for mentorship on campus, and I would encourage every member to find a mentor in this community- whether in or outside of your own chapter. My first mentor in Kappa Kappa Gamma was Leila Oberschall, who's currently in law school at FSU.

She taught me basic skills like formatting my own resume, but also bigger life lessons like feeling comfortable in your own skin and not quitting when involvement gets tough. She is one of the reasons that I got involved in Student Government and supported me in pursuing leadership in Kappa Kappa Gamma. There are so many intelligent, enthusiastic, and caring women made the college experience that much better.”

– Sarah Bartolomei, MC’18

“One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in college is: don’t forgo your values to appease others. Sororities are unique in the idea that we are all brought together by sisterhoods that place importance on shared values. Even amongst the sisters you’ll share values and beliefs with, we are bound to have differences. That’s the great thing about the individual - we all have differing minds and differing voices. Remember to use your voice and stand your ground on the things that matter most to you, especially when those close to you challenge them. Be true to yourself and love the person you become over your four years here!”

– Darby Laurvick, MC’18

We love you all so much, and cannot wait to see the ways you impact this world!

With Love,

Kappa Kappa Gamma


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